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Property tax reform

People who own land must pay land tax.

The calculation of property tax was declared unconstitutional in 2018.
This means that the state had to create a new regulation for property tax.

The new regulation will apply from 2025.
The tax office must determine the value of all properties by 2025.
People who own a property must submit a property tax return.
This website will help you do this.

The tax office sends out letters about properties.
You may have received a letter.
Then the tax office still needs your property tax return.

The property tax return must be submitted via the Internet.
The tax office has a free program.
The program is called ELSTER.
ELSTER is the abbreviation for ELektronische STeuer ERklärung.
The program guides you through the declaration.
If incorrect entries are made, ELSTER will point this out.

The property must be entered in the property tax return.
You can find the required information here

There are small pictures on this website.
This is important information.
You can click on each picture.
You will then receive the information.
The following information is available

  • The tax office has created filling aids for ELSTER.

Display of the link to the completion aids

  • The tax office has provided information about properties. This is to be used for the property tax declaration. You can find your property under "Standard land values for land assets" or "Parcel information for agriculture and forestry".

Representation of standard land valuesDisplay of parcel information

  • The tax office has created videos for property tax. These can be found on YouTube.

Display YouTube video

  • Answers to frequently asked questions can be found in the FAQ.

Presentation FAQ

  • The valuation of land is carried out in each federal state. You can find the websites of the other federal states in this picture.

Presentation of other federal states

  • The tax office has a virtual colleague. His name is Steuerchatbot. He answers your questions about property tax.

Representation of control chatbot

Artboard Copy