Accessibility statement
The Oberfinanzdirektion Baden-Württemberg and its subordinate division endeavors to make the websites of the tax offices Baden-Württemberg accessible without barriers in accordance with Section 10 (1) of the State Disability Equality Act (L-BGG).
This accessibility statement applies to the websites of the tax offices Baden-Württemberg (
These websites are partially compatible with Section 10(1) of the L-BGG because of the following incompatibilities.
The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons.
Disproportionate burden
- Accessible pdfs (forms/forms/instructions/info)
We are constantly striving to prepare the content provided as accessible documents.
If you require documents that are not accessible to you, please contact us.
We will endeavor to make the content available to you in a suitable form.
This statement was created on 22.09.2020.
The statement in the declaration regarding compatibility with the accessibility requirements was carried out by means of a
self-assessment (self-assessment in accordance with Section
4 (2), Item 1 of the L-BGG Implementing Ordinance (L-BGG-DVO))
The declaration was last reviewed on 02.01.2025.
If you notice any deficiencies in terms of compliance with the accessibility requirements, please feel free to contact us by
Please describe exactly on which page you encountered the barrier.
Your email will be received by the Central Editor and forwarded to the appropriate office.
Verantwortlich für die Online-Redaktion:
If you have any queries, we will contact you.
We will try to fix the barrier. If we cannot fix it ourselves, it will take time.
To ensure that these websites meet the requirements described in Section 10 (1) of the L-BGG, you can contact the State Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities or the municipal commissioners for matters relating to persons with disabilities.
You can contact the State Government Commissioner for Matters Relating to Persons with Disabilities as follows:
Further contact details and information of the State Commissioner forPeople with Disabilities
You can find out the contact details of the municipal commissioner for the interests of people with disabilities responsible for you on the website of the city or district in which you have your permanent residence.
The possibility of the right of association action according to § 12 paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 4 L-BGG is pointed out.
Other instructions for use
At the very top of the gray meta navigation, the meta link to the home page of the tax offices Baden-Württemberg is deposited.
In the header there is:
- The small state coat of arms and the name of the selected tax office.
If you click on the coat of arms, you will always be taken to the home page of the tax office. - The search field: Click on the search field and enter your search term. Press the Enter key or click on the magnifying glass. The result will be displayed
- The languages offered: Easy language, sign language and further languages DE (German), EN (English), FR (French). Click on the respective symbol and the selected information will be offered in the respective language - if available.
Below the header is the menu bar. In the menu bar you will find information for example about your tax office, service, ELSTER and career. If you move the mouse pointer over a menu item, the second menu level for this topic opens. Click on it to get more information on the desired sub-topic.
The displayed font sizes and images can be enlarged optically to 200%. Use your individual browser function here. Alternatively, you can press "CTRL" and "+" or "-" in the standard browsers on the screen to zoom in or out step by step.
By zooming in, the menu bar becomes a burger menu (3 superimposed lines next to the word menu). The search and languages are then also included in the burger menu.
Below the menu bar is the breadcrumb navigation e.g. You are here: Home > Home You are here: Home > Home > Your tax office > Tax office Aalen. The breadcrumb navigation shows you where you are. In mentioned example on the home page of the tax office Aalen.
The sticky sidebar is pinned to the right of each page - in mobile view it is at the bottom. It allows you to start contacting the tax chatbot, appointment and callback system and contact form from any page.
Links lead to other places on the website or to other websites. You can recognize a link when the mouse pointer changes from an arrow to a hand. In addition, the links are displayed in blue, underlined or have a blue background.
Frequent topics are additionally displayed as clickable images that link to further information.
By clicking on the pop-up icons -triangle shape or arrow shape- previously invisible contents open up.
At the bottom of the blue footer, for example, you will find links to the imprint and data protection. The accessibility statement can be found under the link user notes.
You can adjust the displayed font size in the browser as desired. To do this, click on "View" in Internet Explorer; in the "Zoom" subitem you can "Increase" or "Decrease" this. If you are using Firefox, you can change the font size via the "View" menu; here, in the "Zoom" subitem, select "Increase" or "Decrease". In Chrome, the View menu can be opened by clicking the wrench at the top right end. The setting for Zoom is then directly visible and can be changed step by step. In all the browsers mentioned, you can also press "CTRL" and "+" or "-" to zoom in or out step by step.
To open PDF files, you need an appropriate PDF reader, e.g. Adobe Reader(
We make every effort to prepare the content provided as accessible documents. If you require documents that are not accessible to you,
please contact us.
We will make every effort to provide you with the content in a suitable form.
The videos made available on this page are hosted in particular on the external platform YouTube. The retrieval of videos requires an up-to-date browser.
Due to country-specific copyright laws or internal company network policies, these platforms or certain videos may be blocked in individual cases and the videos may therefore not be accessible.
Audio files can be played directly on the website in a player provided.
On every page you have the possibility to search for terms in the upper right area. To do so, enter the keywords you are looking for in the search mask and click the magnifying glass icon.
All hits are displayed in the results view. You can then filter the search results to refine your search. You can filter by content type and by media type.
The articles have been optimized for print output.
Click on "Print page" in the footer at the end of the page. A new window opens with the print dialog.
You can also access the print dialog via your browser menu "File" and the subitem "Print".
A third possibility is the key combination "CTRL" and "p", which also opens the print dialog.
The functions of the website are tested with the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Edge.
Proper functioning of the website therefore requires a current browser version.