This text is written in easy language.
That is why it is also called easy reading.
Easy Reading helps many people.
For example:
- People with learning difficulties
- People who can not read so well
- People who do not speak German so well
When can I go to the tax office?
Directions to the tax office can be found under Directions on the Internet page of the relevant tax office.
The opening hours are also there.
Make an appointment.
With an appointment you do not have to wait.
You can make an appointment using this picture:
The image is called the logo of the appointment and recall system.
Click with the mouse on the logo.
A new Internet page opens.
There you have to make entries and select the desired time.
The visit of the tax office is free of charge.
There are no interpreters.
How do I reach a person in the tax office?
There are persons for certain questions.
These people are called contact persons.
The contact persons have telephone numbers.
You can call them.
There are other times for calling.
These times are listed under telephone availability.
How do I write to the IRS?
You can also write to the tax office.
For security reasons, please do this via the Internet site.
The secure form is called Contact Form.
This is the image for the contact form:
The image is called Logo Contact Form.
Click on the logo with the mouse.
A new Internet page opens.
There you make your entries.
To whom do I ask general questions?
The tax office has a virtual colleague.
His name is Steuerchatbot.
He is there 24 hours a day.
He answers your questions.
This is the image for the tax chatbot:
The image is called logo tax chatbot.
Click with the mouse on the logo.
A new web page will open.
There you enter your questions.
Can I have this explained to me on YouTube?
The tax office has created videos for tax topics.
The topics are explained simply and briefly.
These can be found on YouTube.
An overview of all videos can be found on the Interent page under explanatory videos/step-by-step instructions.
Does the tax office inform?
The tax office provides information on important topics.
For example:
If someone pretends to be the tax office and tries to get your money.
This is fraud.
To make sure this doesn't happen, the IRS posts info on the website.
The info can be found under current news.
Can I check the bank details of the tax office?
If you have to pay money to the tax office, you can check the bank details.
On the Internet page of the tax office is the valid bank details.
Is there an IRS program?
The IRS has a free program.
The program is called ELSTER.
ELSTER is short for ELektronische STeuer ERklärung.
This is the image for ELSTER
The image is called Logo ELSTER.
Are there tax return forms on the internet?
There are forms.
Special forms from the tax office can be found on the internet site.
We are working to make the special forms accessible.
Is the form you need not accessible?
Click on the email address with your mouse:
It will open your email program.
Write to us:
- which form is not accessible
- which form you need
- and your address
We will try to send you the contents of the form barrier-free.
If you need regular forms, sign up for the free program.
That's better.
The free program is ELSTER.
Are there jobs at the IRS?
The IRS has apprenticeships.