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Information tax office Offenburg

Your tax office Offenburg informs you: Lecture series "Experience my tax office"

The tax office Offenburg is organizing various presentations on tax topics as part of the Tax Office of the Future project.
The following free events are planned:
  • As every year, many taxpayers are faced with the problem of preparing their tax return. Many now take advantage of ELSTER and submit their tax return data electronically. More than 75% of income tax returns are now submitted electronically. All users with income are obliged to submit these tax returns electronically. Topics include registering at Elster and using the online program "MeinElster", in particular the pre-filled tax return.
  • The event will take place on Friday, 05.04.2024 at 14:30 in Zeller Str. 8 (new building). The lecture will last approx. 2 hours.
    Individual problems can also be discussed during the event.
  • Another presentation is aimed at the self-employed and tradespeople who want to be informed about the use of Elster. The EÜR profit calculation (income/excess profit calculation) is explained here, as well as the advance VAT returns. This lecture will also help people who intend to take up a corresponding activity. The event is planned for Friday, 12.04.2024 at 14:30 also at Zeller Str. 8.

For better planning, please register by telephone on 0781/12026-0.

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