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Press release Oberfinanzdirektion Karlsruhe

Support for those affected by the floods through tax measures

The severe weather with flooding caused considerable damage in large parts of Baden-Württemberg between the end of May 2024 and the beginning of June 2024. Repairing this damage will lead to considerable financial burdens for many taxpayers.

The tax offices in the state will exhaust all tax measures available to them in order to help citizens and companies affected by the floods.

Finance Minister Dr. Danyal Bayaz: "The floods have caused extensive damage in the state, which we are not yet able to fully assess. All help is needed now. The tax offices will support those affected by providing tax relief."

Specific relief measures include, for example, adjusted advance tax payments or the deferral of income tax, corporation tax or VAT amounts due. In justified cases, it is also possible to defer enforcement without having to pay late payment penalties.

All those affected can contact the relevant tax office directly. The relevant tax office, including contact information, can be found here. The so-called disaster decree on tax measures is available here.

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