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Oberfinanzdirektion Karlsruhe

Warning about fraud attempts with alleged ELSTER emails

Online criminals are currently trying to steal data with fake ELSTER emails and a fake online platform.
The CSBW and SITiF BW warn: Do not open these emails and do not click on any links on the scam page.

The cyber security agency Baden-Württemberg (CSBW) and the IT Security Center in the Financial Administration (SITiF BW) warn of a current scam involving supposedly legitimate emails from the electronic tax return platform ELSTER. Online criminals are trying to steal data. For example, the seemingly legitimate emails have the subject line "Final request - remaining tax amount from 2022" and are professionally implemented. They thus convey a pressure to act. The fraudsters use the ELSTER logo. The sender addresses used resemble real institutions such as ELSTER, the tax offices or the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt). A link in the email disguised as leads to a fraudulent website that also appears to be genuine and looks like the official ELSTER portal.

The CSBW and the SITiF BW advise you to delete these e-mails without reading them. Under no circumstances should the links contained in the e-mail be clicked on or data entered on the linked website. The Ministry of Finance expressly points out that the tax authorities never request data or account details by email

Further information and recommendations for action can be found on the website of the CSBW:

The cybersecurity agency Baden-Württemberg (CSBW) has been operating as an independent state authority in Baden-Württemberg since 2022. Its establishment is based on the Cybersecurity Act. It is in constant communication with all relevant security authorities and stakeholders. The central task of the CSBW is to improve cyber security in Baden-Württemberg. The focus here is primarily on the state administration. The most important keywords here are Prevention, detection and response

Further information on the CSBW and the latest factsheets are available at:

Would you like to get in touch with the press office of the cyber security agency Baden-Württemberg or register for our press distribution list? Then send us an e-mail to:

The IT Security Center in the Financial Administration Baden-Württemberg (SITiF BW) was established at Oberfinanzdirektion Karlsruhe in 2020. The aim of SITiF BW is to protect the sensitive data of the tax and financial administration at Baden-Württemberg

If you have any questions about SITiF BW, please contact the press office at Oberfinanzdirektion Karlsruhe by email at will be happy to answer your questions.