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Press release Oberfinanzdirektion Karlsruhe

einfachELSTER - the income tax return for persons with pension or retirement income

From April 2022, the tax offices will be offering a new service around electronic tax returns called einfachELSTER, which is specifically aimed at people with pension or retirement income who are required to file an income tax return with the tax office.

Chief Financial Officer Hans-Joachim Stephan explains: "The easy-to-use, free online application einfachELSTER saves the paperwork that was previously necessary. Citizens conveniently prepare their income tax return online and are guided through the declaration step by step. Clear questions and a selection of answer options make preparation particularly easy."

Electronic certificates available to the tax office - such as the pension withdrawal notice - are automatically taken into account.

"With einfachELSTER, the tax administration is providing a new, target group-oriented service that is characterized by ease of use as well as accessibility. einfachELSTER thus represents an addition to the already familiar service ELSTER," Stephan continues.

To register at, all that is required is a date of birth and a personal identification number. Just a few days after registration, an access number will be sent by mail, which is sufficient to prepare the tax return.

einfachELSTER can be used for the first time from March 31, 2022 for the 2021 income tax return.

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