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Which applications and notifications can I send to the tax office electronically via My ELSTER?

  • Objection
    You can lodge an objection to certain administrative acts via My ELSTER. It is also possible to apply for a suspension of enforcement in accordance with Section 361 AO.
  • Application for an extension of the deadline
    You can apply for an extension of the deadline for filing your tax return via My ELSTER.
  • Application for adjustment of advance payments
    An application for adjustment of the advance payments can be sent to the tax office via My ELSTER
  • Other message to the tax office
    Applications and notifications that do not concern an objection, an extension of the deadline or an adjustment of advance payments can be sent to the tax office via My ELSTER as an other message.
  • Change of address
    You can notify the tax office of changes to your address
  • Change of bank details
    You can notify the tax office of changes to your bank details.
  • Subsequent submission of receipts for your tax return
    You can send the tax office subsequent receipts in connection with your tax return.
  • Application for a research allowance
    You have the option of submitting an application for a research allowance to the tax office
  • Application for binding information
    You can apply to the tax office for binding information. However, this is subject to a fee.
  • Application for a binding commitment
    You can apply to the tax office for a binding commitment. This is only possible following an external audit.
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