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Your tax office

Service Center - Opening hours

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Access only with agreed appointment

Information: Access regulations in the service centers of the tax offices

Access to the service centers is only permitted by appointment.

Change of bank details

Change of bank details: Account of the tax office Schorndorf at the Kreissparkasse Waiblingen is closed.

The account of the tax office Schorndorf at the Kreissparkasse Waiblingen (DE96 6025 0010 0005 0140 08) will no longer be available as bank account from 26.02.2021. Taxpayers who use the Kreissparkasse account as a bank account, e.g. via a standing order or for individual transfers, are requested to switch to the account at the Deutsche Bundesbank IBAN DE77 6000 0000 0060 2015 02 in order to avoid return debit charges and late payment penalties in the event of late payment.
Direct debit authorisations or SEPA direct debits are not affected by this.

Tax office Schorndorf

Tax office: Tax office Schorndorf

Tax office Schorndorf

Tax office: Welcome to the tax office Schorndorf

Thank you for visiting our homepage.
Here you will find information on tax topics, important dates and also on starting a career in the tax administration.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact my staff.

Your Head of Office


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The tax class after the wedding

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